
The Eleventh Circuit Rails Against ‘Prudential Standing’

Three Eleventh Circuit Judges would have their appeals court sit en banc to stop dismissing for lack of standing when dismissal should be resulting from failure to state a claim under state law.

Fifth Circuit Vacates $240,000 in Sanctions for Being Criminal, Not Civil, Contempt

The Fifth Circuit dissenter says that the majority set aside findings of fact without showing them to be clearly erroneous.

Eleventh Circuit Invited to Sit En Banc on Eligibility for Chapter 15 Recognition

For the time being, the Eleventh Circuit has split with the Second Circuit on whether a chapter 15 debtor must have property in the U.S. to gain foreign recognition.

Barton Doctrine Protected a Receiver from an Automatic Stay Violation

The district court properly reversed and dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction under Barton.

Bankruptcy Courts Have Jurisdiction and Power to Compel Payment of Counsel Fees

The Ninth Circuit BAP says that 28 U.S.C. § 1334(e)(2) gives bankruptcy courts exclusive jurisdiction with regard to disputes over fee allowances.

Supreme Court Rules on Mootness, but Not Equitable Mootness

The unanimous decision on March 19 by Justice Gorsuch contains language that could be used on both sides of the argument about the validity of equitable mootness.

Supreme Court Hears Argument on Who Has Standing in Bankruptcy Cases

The Supreme Court may decide that standing in bankruptcy cases is more flexible and that Article III standards don’t apply in chapter 11 cases.

Rooker-Feldman Held Not to Prevent Relitigation of a Denied Exemption

The Supreme Court’s narrowing of Rooker-Feldman is showing up in circuit court opinions.
