Automatic Stay

Enjoining a Prepetition Policy Doesn’t Violate the Automatic Stay, Fifth Circuit Says

Seeking attorneys’ fees from the debtor for a postpetition civil rights violation does not by itself make a postpetition lawsuit subject to the automatic stay.

Arbitration Nixed on a Lender’s Claims for Violation of the Automatic Stay

Bankruptcy Judge Paul Black denied a motion to compel arbitration but didn’t decide whether he would certify a class.

Chicago’s Judge Cox Enjoins Suits Against Nondebtors, Distinguishing Purdue

After Purdue, two bankruptcy judges now say that preliminary injunctions protecting nondebtors are permissible to foster successful chapter 11 reorganizations.

Delaware Judge Explains How to Obtain a PI Protecting Nondebtors After Purdue

In the first decision on the topic after Purdue, Delaware’s Judge Goldblatt denied the debtor’s motion for a preliminary injunction to stop a lawsuit against nondebtors.

Misleading Ads to Poach a Debtor’s Customers Is No Stay Violation, Circuit Says

The Second Circuit gives competitors license to mount false advertising unless it’s ‘virtually certain’ to affect a debtor’s customer contracts or goodwill.

Discharge Injunction Violations Can’t Be Heard in Federal District Court

Circuits are split on whether claims for contempt of the discharge injunction must be brought in the bankruptcy court that issued the discharge.

Ninth Circuit Bankruptcy Judges Disagree on Allowing Emotional Distress Damages

One day apart, bankruptcy judges in the Ninth Circuit disagreed on emotional distress damages for violations of the discharge injunction.

Recoupment of Social Security Benefit Overpayments Is Barred as a Setoff

Medicaid overpayments may be recovered as ‘recoupment’ while Social Security overpayments are attempted setoffs barred by discharge, Bankruptcy Judge Harwood says.
