Issue Preclusion Saddles Alex Jones with $1.2 Billion in Nondischargeable Debt
Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez of Houston will hold trials that could result in more nondischargeable debt for Alex Jones.
Fifth Circuit Expands Bartenwerfer to Saddle Alter Egos with Nondischargeable Debts
An alter ego may be of the same ilk as a partnership or agency, so there may be no inconsistency between the Fifth Circuit opinion and the Bartenwerfer concurrence.
Debtors May Avoid Judicial Liens Under Section 522(f) Securing Nondischargeable Debts
Bankruptcy Judge Alan Koschik declined to follow cases decided before Congress amended Section 522(f) to preclude avoiding judicial liens securing domestic support obligations.
Student Loans Consolidated After Filing Can’t Be Discharged, Even for Undue Hardship
Consolidating student loans after filing creates a post-petition debt that can’t be discharged without filing bankruptcy again.
Supreme Court Roundup
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