Fraudulent Transfers

Eighth Circuit Definitively Holds: Avoidance Actions Are Estate Property and Can Be Sold

Now a circuit judge, a former bankruptcy judge makes quick work of a troublesome issue about property of the estate.

Bartenwerfer Doesn’t Apply if the Debtor Isn’t a Partner or Agent, Bankruptcy Judge Says

Bankruptcy Judge Klinette H. Kindred declined to expand Bartenwerfer by imputing fraud or larceny when the debtor wasn’t a partner or agent.

IRS Has No Sovereign Immunity to Bar a Fraudulent Transfer Suit Under Section 544(b)

The circuits are now split 3/1, with the majority finding a waiver of sovereign immunity under Section 544(b)(1) for lawsuits by a trustee based on claims that an actual creditor could not have brought outside of bankruptcy.

If There’s No Diminution of the Estate, There’s No Preference or Fraudulent Transfer

Just because the debtor orchestrated a fraudulent transfer, the Seventh Circuit tells us there’s nothing for a trustee recover if there was no diminution of the estate.

Trustee Admonished for Filing Suit Reflecting a ‘Disturbing Lack of Judgment’

Providing an adult child with room and board in the family home is not a fraudulent transfer.
