
Cursing the Debtor by Itself Isn’t a Violation of the Automatic Stay

A vulgarity directed at the debtor wasn’t a stay violation absent an act designed to collect a debt.

Congress Must Act to Permit Chapter 7 Debtors to Pay Counsel After Filing

Bifurcated fee arrangements are cumbersome, temporary fixes for a problem that the Supreme Court created in Lamie.

Debt Purchaser Socked $65,000 for a Discharge Violation

Taggart doesn’t give more protection to a purchaser of debt than it does to the original creditor, Judge Scott Grossman says.

Reference Withdrawal on Houston Ethics Probe Pits UST Against Bankruptcy Judge

Despite consent by the firm to withdraw the reference of motions to disgorge its fees, a bankruptcy judge in Houston recommended against withdrawal to district court and against transfer to another district.
