Administrative Expense Claims

Goods Delivered Directly to a Debtor’s Customers Never Qualify for 503(b)(9)

Judge Shannon writes an important decision for the era of ecommerce.

Receipt under Section 503(b)(9) Occurs on Physical Possession, Third Circuit Holds

Third Circuit aids suppliers because ‘receipt’ can occur after ‘delivery.’

Cryptic Disclosure of Fee Sharing Is Inadequate, Judge Houser Holds

Terms of fee sharing must be disclosed in the retention application, not just in an exhibit.

Is a Successor Trustee Shortchanged in Apportioning Commissions?

Judges exercise considerable discretion in apportioning commissions among two trustees.

After Chapter 13 Dismissal, Counsel Fees Aren’t Paid

Harris v. Viegelahn extended from chapter 13 conversions to dismissals.

Split Grows on Unanticipated Circumstances to Modify a Chapter 13 Plan

Georgia judge follows the majority by more liberally allowing a chapter 13 plan modification.
