Courts Divided on Venue for Small-Dollar Avoidance Actions

Judges Pappas and Teel permit avoidance actions for small amounts to be prosecuted in the debtors’ bankruptcy courts.

Trustee Gloms Proceeds of an Unperfected Consignment, Not Just the Goods

Ninth Circuit interprets UCC § 9-319(a) to permit avoidance of consignor’s interest in proceeds of an unperfected consignment.

Defectively Executed Mortgages Are [Still] Avoidable in Ohio

Sixth Circuit distinguishes between a trustee’s powers as a bona fide purchaser compared to a hypothetical judicial lienholder.

Creating a Split, Sixth Circuit Holds: No Waiver of Immunity for Indian Tribes

A divided panel of the Sixth Circuit holds that Section 106 does not waive sovereign immunity for Indian tribes.

Puerto Rico Retirement System Bondholders Win Their Security Interest Back

First Circuit reverses, upholding the validity of bondholders’ security interests in $2.9 billion of collateral.
