
Another Workaround Following the Prohibition of Nunc Pro Tunc Orders

The Supreme Court hasn’t prohibited paying counsel fees for services rendered before the entry of a retention order, Judge Preston says.

Creditor Socked with $41,000 in Sanctions for Filing Trumped-Up Criminal Charges

Bankruptcy Judge Warren makes sure the sanctions won’t be dischargeable if the offending creditor files his own bankruptcy.

No Contempt for the IRS on Discharge Without Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies

Is Taggart just a defense that can be waived, or must a debtor plead and prove ‘no objectively reasonable basis’ in a motion for contempt of discharge?

Reversing the BAP, Ninth Circuit Allows Chapter 13 Plans with Estimated Durations

The Ninth Circuit allows chapter 13 debtors on their own to accelerate payments to creditors and secure their discharges more quickly without modifying their plans.
