
Sanctions of $150,000 Upheld Against Nationwide Consumer Firm

When $50,000 in sanctions were not enough to coerce compliance with the Code and Rules, the Eleventh Circuit upheld $150,000 in sanctions for a second violation.

Complete Disgorgement Is the Default Sanction for Failure to Disclose a Fee Agreement

Anything less than full disgorgement must be supported by ‘sound reasons’ and ‘solid evidence,’ the Tenth Circuit says.

The Automatic Stay Is a Get-Out-of-Jail Free Card in Chicago

The Seventh and Ninth Circuits may not be on the same page when it comes contempt citations falling under the Section 362(b)(4) exception to the automatic stay.

Seventh Circuit Bars ‘Objector Blackmail’ in a Class Settlement

The Seventh Circuit uses broad equitable powers to prevent one member of a class from receiving a settlement when appealing an issue applicable to the entire class.
