
No Disqualification When Lawyers at Adversary Firms Were Dating

Delaware bankruptcy judge trusts that dating lawyers at adversary firms didn’t disclose client confidences.

Judge Isgur Knocks Down a Special Counsel’s Fees for ‘Unprofessional’ Conduct

Incivility may be acceptable in matrimonial matters, but not when the lawyer represents a debtor.

Creditor Filing Time-Barred Claims Is Hit with Debtor’s Attorneys’ Fees

The Supreme Court’s Midland Funding opinion was no defense to invocation of a Nevada statute shifting fees and compelling the creditor to pay the debtor’s costs in expunging stale claims.

Costs of a Disciplinary Proceeding Held Nondischargeable Under Section 523(a)(7)

Another court strains to explain why costs incurred by disciplinary authorities were not in compensation for “actual pecuniary loss.”
