Polish for Your Trial Notebook: Preparing Your Case for Trial, Effective Use of Discovery, Experts, and Not-so-Dispositive Motions
Student Loans
Eleventh Circuit Explains an Interlocutory Order Can Become ‘Final’ for an Appeal
Federal Rule 41(a)(1)(A) only permits voluntary dismissal of an entire action, not individual claims, the Eleventh Circuit says.
BAP Says that a Rule 41 Voluntary Dismissal Can Incorporate Discovery Sanctions
The BAP decision on voluntary dismissal under Rule 41 adds credence to the idea that bankruptcy courts can attach conditions to a debtor’s voluntary dismissal under Section 1307(b).
Sponsor Liability, Including Liability Relating to Sponsors Purchasing Debt or Equity in Their Portfolios
Effective Motion Practice: Pointers, Checklists, Templates, Best Practices and More
Consumer: Prosecuting and Defending Dischargeability Actions in Consumer Cases
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