4th Circuit

Circuit Split Deepens on Stale Claims as Violations of the FDCPA

Vigorous dissents in the Seventh and Fourth Circuits accentuate splits on the FDCPA.

Evidence Rule Gives Wide Latitude for a Homeowner’s Opinion on Value

Evidence Rule 701 requires the homeowner’s opinion on value, not someone else’s.

No Superpriority Claim for Fully Secured Lender’s Post-Petition Interest

Superpriority claim only ensures recovery of filing day interest and principal.

Exhausting Administrative Remedies Is No Prerequisite to Bankruptcy Jurisdiction

Exhaustion of state and federal administrative remedies are not the same, judge says.

Fourth Circuit Says Chapter 13 Can’t Reinstate Non-Default Rate on Home Mortgage

Bar to modification of a home mortgage trumps ability to cure in chapter 13.

Romance Can Lead to Marriage, but Not to a Nondischargeable Debt

Infatuation negates reliance in alleged fraud between lovers.

Fourth Circuit Fixes One Issue of Tax Lien Subordination under BAPCPA

Fourth Circuit cleans up one mess Congress made with BAPCPA.

Judge Closes Loophole to Prevent Discharging Pre-Conversion Condo Charges

Debtors once again stuck paying post-filing condo charges on abandoned home.

Courts Spilt on Offsetting Government’s Non-Tax Claim Against a Tax Refund

Automatic stay bars collecting a debt by offsetting a tax refund.
