4th Circuit

West Virginia Judge Allows Conversion to Subchapter V After Deadlines Passed

When drafting a statute, Congress cannot ‘think of every single esoteric possibility,’ Judge Mignault says.

Another Circuit Upholds the 2018 Increase in U.S. Trustee Fees

Dissenters in the Fourth and Fifth Circuits evidently believe that the dual U.S. Trustee/Bankruptcy Administrator system is unconstitutional.

Fourth Circuit Seems to Give the Government a Pass for Violating the Stay

Fourth Circuit expands federal government’s setoff rights under the Treasury Offset Program.

Certified Mail Can Be an Inferior Method for Serving a Summons and Complaint

Serving a summons and complaint by certified mail is ineffective without a return receipt.

Corporate Debtors in Subchapter V May Discharge Nondischargeable Debts

Only individuals in subchapter V of chapter 11 are barred from discharging debts found to be nondischargeable under Section 523(a).

The Mailbox Presumption Won’t Deem a Claim to Have Been Timely Filed

Courts are split on the extent to which an affidavit of timely mailing will suffice to prove that a claim was filed.

Split Widens on Trustee’s Ability to Use the IRS’s Longer Statute of Limitations

North Carolina Judge disagrees with the Fifth Circuit on extending the statute of limitations to 10 years under Section 544(b)(1).

Unrepentant Lender Slammed with $260,000 in Damages for an ‘Egregious’ Stay Violation

Lender soon recognized that home foreclosure violated the stay but continued denying liability through seven years of litigation.

Creditor Socked with $41,000 in Sanctions for Filing Trumped-Up Criminal Charges

Bankruptcy Judge Warren makes sure the sanctions won’t be dischargeable if the offending creditor files his own bankruptcy.

Fraudulent Transfer Suit Didn’t Succeed in ‘Discharging’ Student Loans

Can student loans be wiped out as fraudulent transfers that aren’t dischargeable under Section 523(a)(8)?
