ABI Blog Exchange

The federal government's unlawful sweep of Fannie and Freddie profits has sent a clear message to private capital: There's only downside to being the government's partner in a time of crisis.

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Receiving Wide Coverage ...

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I was pleased to see today’s New York Times editorial entitled “A Rate Cap for All Consumer Loans.”  It created a very public de

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In Episode 6 of Accredited Investor Markets Radio, host Chris Cahill and Jesse Clem, the co-founder and CEO of Loquidity, talk about investing in real estate.
As a general rule, bankruptcy courts do not enforce provisions in organizational documents, loan agreements, or other prepetition contracts that purport to alter or waive the protections of the Bankruptcy Code.
The perception that public employee pension obligations cannot be impaired in bankruptcy

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The perception that public employee pension obligations cannot be impaired in bankruptcy

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The ability of a foreign debtor to avail itself of the protections of the Bankruptcy Code, such as the automatic stay, with respect to its property located within the United States is one of the most fundamental and valuable tools available to foreig
This Friday will mark nine years since the bankruptcy laws were last changed.
The trading day in the U.S. ended on October 15th with stocks suffering their biggest losses in years, wiping out the year’s gains in many U.S. and European indexes.
Co-hosts Chris Cahill and Alicia Purdy are joined each week by a guest to discuss the basics of angel investing, crowdfunding, private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, and other investment vehicles beyond publicly traded securities.
The risk that a trader will mistakenly enter an incorrect stock order is on the rise as mobile- and cloud-based platforms become more popular.

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Unless regulators coordinate their efforts to reform banks' home lending, mortgage servicing and remittance businesses, American consumers will continue to lose access to affordable financial services.

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Finding the right financial advisor can make a significant impact on your investment dollars. Are you approaching the financial advisor hunt in the wrong way?
Here’s the latest news and events from DailyDAC, LLC. Don’t forget to check out the newest listings on the Opportunistic Deal Database and the Mature Deal Database!
When I first heard about the NY Fed's Doomsday book, my initial thought was, "Wow, they've got a comprehensive survey of land titles, so MERS really isn't an issue!" Then I realized it was a Doomsday book, not a

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The question arose recently as to whether or not a person should pay off their chapter 13 with inherited money that was received after the case was filed.
Real-time payments would undoubtedly benefit some consumers and companies, but same-day payments can address many current needs. To that end, Nacha is working on a phased-in approach to implementing multiple same-day settlement windows.

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