ABI Blog Exchange

Over the last couple years, The Pew Charitable Trusts has put together a useful series of reports regarding payday lending in the Uni

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How long will we be seeing signs like this in our communities?  I refer specifically to the little sign in the store “Military Welcome,” which

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Edit: Oops... my automatic docket feed and determination to post before my morning class got the best of me. This is a proposed order, not signed as yet by the judge.

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Check out the latest news from Financial Poise. Don’t miss out on our upcoming live webinars!
In “There Ought to Be a Law, and There Is:  When the Insolvent LLC’s Manager Distributes Cash But Does Not Pay Creditors” Commercial Bankruptcy Alternatives(October 1, 2014), the Editorial Staff of Commercial Bankruptcy Alternatives describe
In Episode 4 of Accredited Investor Markets Radio, our host, Chris Cahill, explores investing in natural resources with Jason Stevens. Jason is an Investment Executive with Sprott Global, a U.S.
It's time for the Federal Housing Finance Agency to make good on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's funding obligations to two affordable housing programs.

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If you were to ask people on the street to name the first Jewish holiday that comes to mind, chances are a significant percentage would name Yom Kippur.
Case Set-Up This is the bankruptcy case study for Darius from Chicago, Illinois who was in my office to determine whether or not chapter 7 or chapter 13 will help him.
A federal judge has dismissed an FDIC lawsuit against directors and officers of a failed North Carolina bank. The ruling has big implications for future cases that seek to hold senior bank management accountable for financial crisis-era failures.

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The revelation that 76 million JPMorgan Chase consumer accounts were compromised by hacking should be scaring the heck out of us.

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The Fifth Circuit had several bankruptcy-related decisions during September.   This month, it dealt with jury trials, mootness, subject matter jurisdiction,  "quasi-estoppel" and the difference between civil and criminal contempt.   Click on the styl
Former Credit Slips blogger Elizabeth Warren who also happens to be the senior senator from Massachusetts was a category on Jeopardy! last night.

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You always have the ability to switch bankruptcy attorneys if you are not satisfied with your current attorney. Depending upon which type of bankruptcy case you have filed will determine whether or not it makes good sense to make the switch.
Here’s the latest news and events from DailyDAC, LLC. Don’t forget to check out the newest listings on the Opportunistic Deal Database and the Mature Deal Database!
Examiners will not require community banks to adhere to new risk governance standards, but they are likely to expect community bank boards to incorporate the guidelines' fundamental principles into their oversight.

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