ABI Blog Exchange

U.S. companies should aim to have women occupy half of all senior management positions by 2020, writes MUFG Union Bank's CEO.

Read More from: BankThink

You are embroiled in a contentious trade secret lawsuit. In the midst of the litigation, your competitor files for bankruptcy and proposes to sell its assets. Do those assets include the trade secrets? Which court makes that determination?

Read More from: Insolvency Insights

Check out the latest news from Financial Poise. Don’t miss out on our upcoming live webinars!
Bankruptcy Provides Instant Relief When you file chapter 7 bankruptcy, the relief is instant. An automatic stay is created which is then sent to all of your creditors notifying them that you have filed for bankruptcy protection.
In Episode 7, Accredited Investor Markets Radio host Chris Cahill talks real estate investing with David Manshoory, Founder and CEO of AssetAvenue.
In “What Else Can a Creditors Committee Do?  Maybe Reap $1.5 Billion for Unsecured Creditors (Lender Beware),” the Editorial Staff of Commercial Bankruptcy Litigationillustrates how a creditors committee in a chapter 11 case can get large amounts of
A recap of the informed opinions (and the discussions they generated) on BankThink this week.

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In July 2014, Argentina defaulted on a $539m interest payment on its sovereign debt in the latest round of its ongoing legal dispute with bondholders.
There are three major new regulations shaping the housing finance market:  QM (qualified mortgage), QRM (qualified residential mortgage) and Reg X.  QM is a safe harbor from the statutory ability-to-repay requirement that applies to all mortgages.

Read More from: Credit Slips

Instead of trying to stop companies from offering payday loans and check cashing services to lower-income households, we should encourage more competitors Â-- including banks Â-- to enter this space.

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The evolution of start-up investing, especially in the last decade or so, shows the trend of opportunities and changing attitudes towards investment. In fact, down cycles breeds entrepreneurships and investors are still interested.
Outside of section 506(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, which affords secured creditors a right to enforce their contractual entitlements to fees, the Bankruptcy Code does not expressly give creditors a right to seek reimbursement of fees incurred during a
Small banks and credit unions should work together to put pressure on legislators and regulators to reduce unnecessary and cumbersome regulations.

Read More from: BankThink

The Volcker Rule's data-intensive requirements are creating headaches for banks that still rely on manual processes and use multiple, disparate systems for securities and different derivatives trading.

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The long awaited credit risk retention rules for securitization are out.

Read More from: Credit Slips

The American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) will hold its Tenth Annual International Insolvency and Restructuring Symposium on Oct. 30-31 at The Savoy Hotel in London.

Read More from: The COMI

Yves Smith has had some great coverage of the AIG bailout trail over on Naked Capitalism.

Read More from: Credit Slips