March 28, 2016
Another circuit joins the trend toward limiting the doctrine of equitable mootness.
March 22, 2016
Court in the Ninth Circuit takes more flexible approach to revoking confirmation.
9th Circuit , Oregon ,
Court in the Ninth Circuit takes more flexible approach to revoking confirmation.
9th Circuit , Oregon ,
March 7, 2016
Ninth Circuit B.A.P. and Third Circuit duke it out over Section 1123(b)(5).
Ninth Circuit B.A.P. and Third Circuit duke it out over Section 1123(b)(5).
February 15, 2016
Consumer debtors bat 500 last week in significant cases.
Consumer debtors bat 500 last week in significant cases.
February 11, 2016
Debtor-friendly opinion validates strategy for cramming down on secured lender.
Debtor-friendly opinion validates strategy for cramming down on secured lender.
February 9, 2016
Restriction on post-confirmation suits is further limited in the Fifth Circuit.