September 7, 2016
Georgia judge parts with ‘overwhelming majority’ of decisions precluding balloon payments.
Georgia judge parts with ‘overwhelming majority’ of decisions precluding balloon payments.
August 30, 2016
Second Circuit primed to agree or split with three circuits on ‘chapter 20’ lien stripping.
Second Circuit primed to agree or split with three circuits on ‘chapter 20’ lien stripping.
August 10, 2016
Section 1111(b) election does not require a due-on-sale clause in a restructured mortgage.
9th Circuit , Arizona ,
Section 1111(b) election does not require a due-on-sale clause in a restructured mortgage.
9th Circuit , Arizona ,
July 18, 2016
Georgia district judge confronts creditors who file claims based on stale debts.
Georgia district judge confronts creditors who file claims based on stale debts.
July 14, 2016
Due process failure exposes New GM to liabilities for Old GM’s conduct.
Due process failure exposes New GM to liabilities for Old GM’s conduct.