Rochelle's Daily Wire

ABI Exclusive

August 20, 2024

Chicago’s Bankruptcy Judge Timothy Barnes explained eight years ago why bankruptcy stays do not require personal jurisdiction, unlike injunctions in receiverships.

August 9, 2024

The tide is turning against corporate Sub V debtors. Two bankruptcy judges now side with two circuits in holding that debts of corporate debtors can be nondischargeable.

July 23, 2024

After Purdue, two bankruptcy judges now say that preliminary injunctions protecting nondebtors are permissible to foster successful chapter 11 reorganizations.

June 21, 2024

Circuits are split on whether claims for contempt of the discharge injunction must be brought in the bankruptcy court that issued the discharge.

May 23, 2024

Seventh Circuit again holds that Section 505(a) doesn’t confer jurisdiction for bankruptcy courts to decide how much debtors owe in taxes.

May 13, 2024

The same question has been sub judice in the Second Circuit for 15 months. Is the Second Circuit on the cusp of making a circuit split?

April 12, 2024

Courts are split on whether the confirmation requirements in Section 1325(b)(1) apply when a debtor seeks confirmation of an amended plan.

March 20, 2024

The Seventh Circuit adopted a broad reading of the Section 546(e) safe harbor to dismiss a fraudulent transfer suit attacking a sale of nonpublic securities.

March 6, 2024

By referring to the Rooker-Feldman doctrine, the appellant might have won an appeal where the bankruptcy court effectively set aside an erroneous decision by a state court regarding discharge.

February 13, 2024

Nondischargeability for Sub V corporate debtors is sub judice in the Fifth Circuit.
