ABI Blog Exchange

The decision to file for bankruptcy is one that may take a lot of time and thought.  It often comes at a very difficult time in one’s life.  The stress and uncertainty about the anticipated results as well as the fear of what the future will look
On August 15, 2021, Aluminum Shapes LLC, a Delair, New Jersey-based aluminum fabricator and processing company, filed a petition under Chap
On August 15, 2021, Aluminum Shapes LLC, a Delair, New Jersey-based aluminum fabricator and processing company, filed a petition under Chap
   Judge Specie in Pensacola, Florida sanctioned counsel for a creditor in a Subchapter V chapter 11 case for submitting a written order on the request of a state court judge substituting their client for the debtor in a pending lawsuit.  The back

Read More from: Tampa Bankruptcy

Regardless of the ultimate destination, all bankruptcy roads lead through Chapter 5. A few bankruptcy cases are derailed there.

Read More from: Bankruptcy Mastery

Not all exceptions to discharge in bankruptcy are found in the Bankruptcy Code. Inconvenient, but true.

Read More from: Bankruptcy Mastery