ABI Blog Exchange

Apologies in advance for the lengthy post and quotes, but my goal was to provide a meaningful summary of the change-of-course for the Eleventh Circuit and scaling back the application of the Rooker-Feldman Doctrine.

Read More from: Georgia Bankruptcy Blog

The following Op Ed, "Never Let a Capital Structure Crisis Go to Waste" is Part One of a two-part series and was written by Gordian Group LLC president Peter Kaufman, partner David Herman and managing director Liam Ahearn.

Read More from: Gordian Group

On August 17, 2021, Basic Energy Services, L.P., along with several affiliates that provide operational support for oil and gas wells located in several US states, filed a
On August 17, 2021, Basic Energy Services, L.P., along with several affiliates that provide operational support for oil and gas wells located in several US states, filed a
This will not end well. Something that cannot go on forever – doesn’t. Record Consumer Debt Consumer debt is surging to record highs, fueled by rising mortgage debt, student loans and a binge on credit card use.

Read More from: Stop Creditor