Rochelle's Daily Wire

ABI Exclusive

August 8, 2019

BAP reversed the bankruptcy court’s ruling that personal liability on a discharged debt was resurrected in ‘chapter 20.

August 2, 2019

Fifth Circuit now says that student loans must ‘impose intolerable difficulties’ to be dischargeable.
Fifth Circuit now says that student loans must ‘impose intolerable difficulties’ to be dischargeable.

July 1, 2019

The BAP avoided making a rule that would have allowed convicted felons to discharge student loans more easily than debtors with clean records.
The BAP avoided making a rule that would have allowed convicted felons to discharge student loans more easily than debtors with clean records.

May 29, 2019

Joining two other circuits, the Fourth Circuit now permits a chapter 13 debtor to strip down a short term home mortgage to the value of the property.
Joining two other circuits, the Fourth Circuit now permits a chapter 13 debtor to strip down a short term home mortgage to the value of the property.

May 16, 2019

BAP joins the majority of courts by saying that defaulting on direct mortgage payments precludes a chapter 13 debtor from receiving a discharge.
BAP joins the majority of courts by saying that defaulting on direct mortgage payments precludes a chapter 13 debtor from receiving a discharge.

May 10, 2019

Appeals court lauds Bankruptcy Judge Jeffrey Norman’s ‘well-reasoned’ opinion.