June 14, 2018
Petitioner contends the Second Circuit was wrong to bar arbitration in view of the Supreme Court’s decision in Epic Systems.
Petitioner contends the Second Circuit was wrong to bar arbitration in view of the Supreme Court’s decision in Epic Systems.
June 4, 2018
Courts split on the dischargeability of debts incurred in the course of divorce or separation.
2nd Circuit , New York ,
High court resolves a circuit split on Section 523(a)(2)(B) and the meaning of “financial condition.”
High court resolves a circuit split on Section 523(a)(2)(B) and the meaning of “financial condition.”
Courts split on the dischargeability of debts incurred in the course of divorce or separation.
2nd Circuit , New York ,
May 30, 2018
Supreme Court’s subsequent Epic decision casts doubt on opinions overriding arbitration agreements in the bankruptcy context.
Supreme Court’s subsequent Epic decision casts doubt on opinions overriding arbitration agreements in the bankruptcy context.
April 18, 2018
The high court seemed primed to rule that a debt will be discharged despite an oral misrepresentation about one asset.
The high court seemed primed to rule that a debt will be discharged despite an oral misrepresentation about one asset.