Rochelle's Daily Wire

ABI Exclusive

April 17, 2019

Judge Hunt in Chicago tells debtors’ counsel to oppose inclusion of unjustifiable provisions in chapter 13 plans, even if it means contested confirmation hearings.

April 5, 2019

Following dicta in Bellingham, Judge Collins finds no power to enter a final order in a fraudulent transfer suit against a defendant who did not consent.
Following dicta in Bellingham, Judge Collins finds no power to enter a final order in a fraudulent transfer suit against a defendant who did not consent.

April 4, 2019

Fed up with a lawyer’s frivolous litigation tactics, the federal and state courts suspended a lawyer from practice.
Fed up with a lawyer’s frivolous litigation tactics, the federal and state courts suspended a lawyer from practice.

April 3, 2019

Judges Pappas and Teel permit avoidance actions for small amounts to be prosecuted in the debtors’ bankruptcy courts.
Judges Pappas and Teel permit avoidance actions for small amounts to be prosecuted in the debtors’ bankruptcy courts.

April 2, 2019

Congress may have intended to preclude ‘stay and pay,’ but it didn’t succeed.
Congress may have intended to preclude ‘stay and pay,’ but it didn’t succeed.

March 29, 2019

First Circuit interprets chapter 9 and PROMESA to permit but not compel payments to special revenue bondholders during debt arrangement proceedings.