Rehnquist Appeals for Bankruptcy Judgeships
Rehnquist Appeals for Bankruptcy Judgeships
The report also highlighted developments in the automation area, noting that 14 bankruptcy courts now have electronic case filing to reduce the volume of paper records and make these records more accessible to the public. With regard to access and privacy, the Chief Justice added that a judicial conference committee, after extensive study and comment, has recommended that documents be made available electronically to the same extent they are available at the courthouse, except that certain personal identifiers will be partially redacted. The recommendations require statutory changes by Congress.
Enron Case Fuels Congressional Concern Over Employee Benefits
Congressional committees on both sides of Capitol Hill are investigating the fall of energy giant Enron, with special attention paid to the effect of a company's failure on employees and retirees. The Bush administration will also be considering a legislative response to seek to protect employee assets in 401K plans in the event of a bankruptcy.