ABI Blog Exchange

In mediation, it is important to pause and take the time to think. Think before you speak. Think before you react. Think before you respond. Think before you reject. Think before you decide.

Read More from: S. Mayer Law

Emotions can run high in mediation.  When that happens, the best solution is to breathe. Just breathe.  Breathe in.  Breathe out.

Read More from: S. Mayer Law

Candor is being open, honest, and frank. Candor is an important ingredient in mediation. Be candid when you have a pre-mediation call with the mediator. Be candid when weighing the strengths and weaknesses of your case.

Read More from: S. Mayer Law

Are You Ten Years Out of School and Still Struggling with Student Loans? Recent student loan policy changes by the Biden Administration can help people still struggling with student loans.
By Jeffrey C Toole  March 7, 2023 On February 22, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court held that an individual who is found liable for fraud cannot discharge that debt in …

Read More from: Bernstein-Burkley, P.C.

I don’t want those of you with insurmountable student loan debt to miss this so I will be repeating it:  Effective November 17, 2022, the Justice Department is backing off its longtime aggressiveness in fighting all lawsuits in bankruptcy court to

Read More from: Stop Creditor

Filing for bankruptcy can be a daunting prospect, and some debtors might think a debt relief program is preferable. But is it necessary in New Jersey? Do you need to complete a debt relief program before you can file for bankruptcy?

Read More from: Young, Marr & Associates

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Read More from: Creditor Rights Coalition

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are available to people with qualifying disabilities, illnesses, and injuries in Pennsylvania.

Read More from: Young, Marr & Associates

Why I’m a Member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates I’m a bankruptcy lawyer.  When I first started I said “All I do is Bankruptcy.”  What I found out is that people in financial trouble are magnates for illegal stuff being done to t
 See the post at https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/27/politics/us-student-loan-debt-timeline/index.html

Read More from: Shenwick & Associates

Here is a link to the document filed yesterday on the FTX chapter 11 docket, titled Second Interim Financial Update: 

Read More from: The COMI

[by Dalié Jiménez and Jonathan Glater] Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard two cases challenging the constitutionality of the Biden administration’s plan for student debt cancellation.

Read More from: Credit Slips
