ABI Blog Exchange

On January 14, 2021, the Supreme Court of the United States resolved a circuit split by unanimously holding that the “mere retention of property” by a creditor after the time a debtor files its bankruptcy petition does not violate the automatic st

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The odds are better now that Congress will pass a bill to help financial institutions serve cannabis businesses, but the question of the legislative path forward has grown murkier.

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The nominees, strongly backed by progressive Democrats to lead two key Wall Street watchdogs, signal that the Biden administration is planning tough oversight after four years of light-touch policies under appointees of President Donald Trump.

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The National Rifle Association likes guns. Texans like guns. Therefore, when the NRA decided to file bankruptcy, there was a certain logic to filing in Texas.
The McLean, Va.-based company admitted that it failed to file suspicious activity reports even in cases when it knew about criminal charges against specific customers.

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Weeks away from succeeding Michael Corbat, Jane Fraser said she’d consider streamlining some units or divesting others as part of her effort to kick-start return on equity.

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CEO Charlie Scharf’s long-awaited expense-reduction plan got a chilly reception from investors.

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South African bank's approach to chatbots offers lessons for U.S. players; small lenders embrace automation for latest PPP round; flush with capital, Canadian banks eye U.S. acquisitions; and more from this week's most-read stories.

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Cybersecurity remains a priority along with CARES Act compliance, flexibility for borrowers impacted by the pandemic and more.

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The Pittsburgh company intends to continue adding commercial offices and retail branches in markets it had been eyeing before agreeing to buy BBVA USA for $11.6 billion.

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The OCC had hit James Strother and other executives with civil charges a year ago in connection with the bank's phony-accounts scandal. His monetary penalty is lower than what the agency had first floated.

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JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon fired a warning shot Friday at financial technology upstarts such as Chime and Plaid.

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Federal relief efforts have minimized loan losses so far, but risks remain in credit card, auto and business lending. Many borrowers will need another lifeline to stay afloat until the economy rebounds, CEO Jamie Dimon says.

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By Jeffrey C. Toole Partner, Bernstein-Burkley, P.C. Under Section 362(a)(3) of the Bankruptcy Code, the filing of a bankruptcy petition automatically operates as a “stay” applicable to all entities of “any …

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