ABI Blog Exchange

A look at how credit unions and the industry at large have intersected with the 2020 election.

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A prosperous decade leading up to the pandemic had left lenders in good shape, but they're worried the economic shock to the state's most vital industry could linger into 2022.

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The departure of Brad Hu at the end of the year opens the door for Citi’s soon-to-be CEO Jane Fraser to hire someone new to oversee the bank’s massive risk systems overhaul.

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Jane Allerman-Rey, the mutual's chief operating officer, will take on the new role in January.

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Haegelin spent several decades in the credit union movement, including helping found the nonprofit Credit Unions for Kids.

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Customers say the Beam savings app is down and the company isn't returning their money. The situation is putting third parties like Huntington and Dwolla in the firing line, though they say they're not at fault.

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Election day is upon us, and we’ve got a special episode this week to show for it! We were joined by a very special guest, Representative Arnold Mooney to discuss the importance of voting, and election day itself.

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Aissatou Barry-Fall, a 30-year veteran of the credit union, has been promoted to chief executive.

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Kleber Santos will be responsible for building a more inclusive workforce and designing products that meet the needs of a broader, more diverse range of customers.

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Payment rates for auto lenders and credit card issuers have remained strong despite a spike in unemployment. Whether these trends continue into 2021 will depend largely on the actions of Congress and the pace of medical advances.

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A Democratic victory in Tuesday’s election would likely produce new leaders at the CFPB and OCC who could take bank regulation in a sharply different direction. Here are some names potentially under consideration.

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Financial Struggles are a serious issue in Alabama.  In 2019, Alabama had the highest per capita bankruptcy filing rate in the country.

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Members of Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. Troy Employees Federal Credit Union recently voted to merge with Albany-based CAP COM.

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Myra Toeppe, who had been serving as acting director since January, will take on that role permanently.

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On November 1, 2020, Philadelphia-based Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust, a leading publicly traded real estate investment trust specializing in the ownership and management of differentiated shopping malls, filed a voluntary
On November 1, 2020, Philadelphia-based Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust, a leading publicly traded real estate investment trust specializing in the ownership and management of differentiated shopping malls, filed a voluntary
On November 1, 2020, FIC Restaurants, Inc.