ABI Blog Exchange

Dismissing and Re-filing a Chapter 13 There are certain circumstances where you may want to dismiss your chapter 13 case and refile. You do have the ability to do this. There are certain circumstances where you may have to wait six months to refile.
The 2005 Amendments to the Bankruptcy Code ushered in section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code, which grants trade creditors an administrative expense for goods sold to the debtor in the ordinary course of the debtor’s business and that the debtor re
Community bankers can get ahead of the competition by building strong and profitable relationships with their customers. They should start by keeping products simple and explanations forthright.

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There has been much discussion about the changes that may be coming in the wake of the recent SEC Investor Advisory Committee meeting, where they considered changing the definition of the term Accredited Investor.
  This is the bankruptcy case study for Todd, from Steger, Illinois, and his wife Emily. The couple is considering chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy, but is not sure which chapter is best for them. Let’s explore the details.
Apple Pay's impact will be mitigated by the limited availability of near-field communication terminals and by consumer concerns about the safety of NFC technology.

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Just back from European Law and Economics, where the big topics

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Weil partner, Joseph H. Smolinsky, will participate in a webinar with Aaron D.
Receiving Wide Coverage ... Guilty: A word of warning to banks (as if they didn't already know this): Be careful who you do business with.

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Basics of Bankruptcy Litigation for the Non-Bankruptcy Litigator Webinar Now Available On Demand!
And now time for something entirely different.

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by Salene Mazur Kraemer, Esquire and Matthew Smith, Associate 
We previously covered the Meridian Sunrise Village case on the Bankruptcy Blog
A reform intended to reduce risk in the financial system could inadvertently exacerbate future economic downturns.

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