ABI Blog Exchange

By: Harry Greenfield October 20, 2023 One of the places I like to stash money for my Debtor clients is with taxing authorities.  Having a credit balance with a taxing …

Read More from: Bernstein-Burkley, P.C.

 Business Insider has a very helpful article titled "How to file for bankruptcy ".

Read More from: Shenwick & Associates

The next shoe to drop:The Complex Case Panel under scrutiny

Read More from: Creditor Rights Coalition

Everyone new to bankruptcy needs a guide to this specialized legal realm. Just as you can’t tell the players without a scorecard, it’s hard to make heads or tails of bankruptcy law when it’s new to you.

Read More from: Bankruptcy Mastery

How Do You Handle Student Loans When Filing For Chapter 13? Student Loan Debt & Bankruptcy: Strategies for Managing Financial Obligations

Read More from: My AZ Lawyers

Never be afraid to ask your mediator for help.  We all need a little help sometimes. To illustrate, let’s consider Audrey Wood’s Silly Sally, which is a children’s book written in rhyme.  I’d like to share a few excerpts.

Read More from: S. Mayer Law

Have you ever said to your kids “use your listening ears”? Just as it is important that our children use their listening ears at home and at school, so too is it important that we use our listening ears in mediation.

Read More from: S. Mayer Law

As a mediator, I pay attention to word cues.  You should too. As you interact with others, listen for the words they use. Not just what the words mean, but the words that are said.

Read More from: S. Mayer Law

As a mediator, I start every mediation believing that we will find a path to resolution. You should believe it too. Why is it important for the parties to believe? Because if you believe it is possible then it will be.

Read More from: S. Mayer Law

Mediation is a multilayered process including, among other things, sharing, learning, probing, and exploring.  Sometimes, one or both parties get stuck.  And sometimes the stuck party will say “they will never accept what I can offer.”  Instead of

Read More from: S. Mayer Law

In any dispute, there is often a wide disparity between what each side wants and what either side may realistically get.  One of the critical components in bridging the resolution divide is flexible thinking.

Read More from: S. Mayer Law
