ABI Blog Exchange

As usual, it seems like forever, most folks do NOT trust lawyers. Barely a third of Americans think lawyers are trustworthy, and the legal profession’s reputation hasn’t improved much in recent years.

Read More from: Stop Creditor

Progressives 'cautiously optimistic' as Barr agenda comes into focus


Read More from: BankThink

A company does not have to be based in the United States in order to be eligible for relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Once a company files a petition for bankruptcy, an automatic stay goes into effect by operation of U.S.

Read More from: The COMI

As a result of COVID-19, difficulty in hiring, and other economic factors,  many small businesses have closed. There are even more businesses that can’t meet ongoing expenses and are taking on more debt to try to stay open.

Read More from: Levitt & Slafkes LLC