ABI Blog Exchange

Meet our 2023 Sponsors The CRC is funded through sponsorships from these organizations:

Read More from: Creditor Rights Coalition

When and How to Modify a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filing for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be a lifeline for individuals struggling with overwhelming debt.

Read More from: Levitt & Slafkes LLC

Below is a summary of Ponzi scheme activity reported for November 2023. Nine new Ponzi schemes hit the news this month and there were more than 35 years of prison sentences imposed on Ponzi schemers and 4 new guilty pleas.

Read More from: The Ponzi Blog

By: Keri Ebeck  Auto loan delinquencies are rising to levels greater than we saw in 2008-2009 recession. The amount of auto loans that are sixty (60) plus days past due …

Read More from: Bernstein-Burkley, P.C.

The Daily Record has an article titled "Small business, big target: Predatory lenders take aim at struggling businesses | Civil

Read More from: Shenwick & Associates

Being in debt is not an enjoyable experience in any way whatsoever. It can make you feel like you are beholden to someone else and not exactly free to do whatever you want.

Read More from: Young, Marr & Associates

Author's Note: I started writing this post in April. My life has been a bit busy this year so I haven't blogged as much as in prior years.
Debt is not pleasant. If you are in debt, you likely want to get rid of it as soon as possible. The nasty feeling of being in debt may make people think that being in debt is illegal.

Read More from: Young, Marr & Associates

A statute of limitations on debt is a legal timeframe within which creditors can initiate legal proceedings to recover outstanding debts.

Read More from: Young, Marr & Associates
