ABI Blog Exchange

Since it burst onto the Bankruptcy Code scene in 2005 with the passage of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA), section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code, which affords a creditor administrative priority for the
Americans are still looking for the same fundamental services from their banks. It's their expectations of convenience and accessibility that have changed Â-- and that's where digital offerings should come in.

Read More from: BankThink

The multifamily housing sector is likely to remain healthy thanks to favorable demographics Â-- but the apartment market is almost certainly past peak for this cycle.

Read More from: BankThink

Summary:  The Editorial Staff of Commercial Bankruptcy Investor has inaugurated a new series called RADIO SHACK BANKRUPTCY WATCH, on the electronics retailer, as it heads almost certainly toward bankruptcy.  The first article, “The Broad Brush,” has
A valuable and groundbreaking source of data on wage garnishment has just been released by ADP, the nation's largest payroll services provide

Read More from: Credit Slips

Collections Seminar Invite Join us for a FREE luncheon and […]

Read More from: Bernstein-Burkley, P.C.

Come October 1, 2014 it will be hard to collect on portfolios of consumer debt in New York State.

Read More from: The COMI

The extent of a transferee’s knowledge in the context of fraudulent transfer claims under the Bankruptcy Code has been a frequent topic of discussion on the
There is a rising interest in wine as an asset class, as an investment of the same type as stocks, bonds, or works of art.
Have you fallen into the “he said”, “she said” Kenosha bankruptcy rumor hole? There is a lot of information about bankruptcy out there; however, you should only believe what you hear directly from a Kenosha bankruptcy attorney.

Read More from: Wynn at Law, LLC

Have you fallen into the “he said”, “she said” Kenosha bankruptcy rumor hole? There is a lot of information about bankruptcy out there; however, you should only believe what you hear directly from a Kenosha bankruptcy attorney.

Read More from: Wynn at Law, LLC

Have you fallen into the “he said”, “she said” Kenosha bankruptcy rumor hole? There is a lot of information about bankruptcy out there; however, you should only believe what you hear directly from a Kenosha bankruptcy attorney.

Read More from: Wynn at Law, LLC

“Okay. Here we go. The short, short version.” – The Minister, Spaceballs “I meant what I said and I said what I meant.” – Horton Hatches the Egg, Dr. Seuss
Per www.globalinsolvency.com:Tue., September 16, 2014The Bank of Portugal has appointed a new leader to run the ‘‘good’’ bank created after the bailout of the Portuguese lender Banco Espírito Santo, a

Read More from: The COMI

Recently, I have successfully defended two defendants in debt collection cases involving old credit card bills.  In each case, my clients (the defendants) either did not remember ever creating the debt or being serviced with the suit papers.

Read More from: Scholnick Law

Recientemente, yo he defendido con éxito a dos acusados en casos de cobro de deudas involucrando facturas de tarjetas de crédito viejas.

Read More from: Scholnick Law

All day I have been thinking that September 15 is a significant date, but I couldn't remember why.  And finally I remembered why.  On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers filed the largest bankruptcy in United States history.

Read More from: The COMI