ABI Blog Exchange

Can I leave some creditors off of my bankruptcy?No. Any creditor whom you owe a balance to must be listed on the petition. Does this mean you should go pay off all the credit cards that you want to keep?No.

Read More from: A & L, Licker Law Firm, LLC

Everyone gathered last week at the meeting convened by Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr knew that the news would be
WASHINGTON, D.C. - (Mealey's) The U.S. Supreme Court on June 24 denied a bid for certiorari by Pfizer Inc. of a ruling removing the protection for Pfizer of a bankruptcy injunction barring
WASHINGTON, D.C. - (Mealey's) The U.S. Supreme Court on June 24 granted certiorari in a case dealing with the questions of whether Article III of the U.S. Constitution permits the exercise of the
Determined not to hold a securities brokerage firm liable for fraudulent transfers in a Ponzi scheme case, the Fourth Circuit recently pushed the boundaries of fraudulent transfer law to affirm the lower court's
Many clients “surrender” their house as part of their Chapter 7 bankruptcy and assume that said act will allow them to put their homeowner's “experience” totally in their rear view mirror.
Many clients “surrender” their house as part of their Chapter 7 bankruptcy and assume that said act will allow them to put their homeowner’s “experience” totally in their rear view mirror.
More than six years after his $300 million Ponzi scheme
Here at Shenwick & Associates, many of our clients have complex bankruptcy cases involving factors that often lead to increased scrutiny by the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustees assigned to th

Read More from: Shenwick & Associates

In an unusual move, the Supreme Court granted cert yesterday to consider the petition of a California man who filed a pro se petition for cert seeking to review the decision of a bankruptcy court to
Last Friday, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed HB 95. This bill amends § 726.109 of the Florida Statutes by adding this broad defense to a claim to avoid a charitable contribution as a fraudulent transfer:
WASHINGTON, D.C. - (Mealey's) The U.S. Supreme Court on June 17 granted certiorari in a case involving the question of whether a bankruptcy court has the power to levy a financial charge against a Chapter 7
(click image for larger image)

Read More from: Spiritually Bankrupt

Normally a trustee or investors sue the banks for funds lost in a Ponzi scheme. Banks are accused of negligently not monitoring their accounts for fraud or, worse yet, for aiding and abetting the Ponzi scheme perpetrator's
Law360, Chicago (June 11, 2013, 1:41 PM ET) -- The U.S. Department of Justice's bankruptcy watchdog arm on Tuesday released its long-awaited new framework for scrutinizing attorneys' fees in large Chapter 11
The bankruptcy context is particularly ripe for D&O claims, and it also represents a particularly difficult claims context for D&O insurers. Anyone with any doubts about just how complicated bankruptcy
by Raphaela Taylor  Secured lenders often resort to non-judicial foreclosure sales of personal property upon a borrower's default. Article 9, Part 6 of the
I am often asked, "How many Ponzi schemes are there?" This is a tough question to answer with 100% accuracy because there is no central registry for all Ponzi scheme cases. The media certainly reports on the
Net winners in a Ponzi scheme - those who have profited - often get sued to return the profits paid to them. Those who lost money (net losers) usually don't get sued, unless they were not in "good faith." It is a