ABI Blog Exchange

The sexual harassment tsunami continues, with stories from Fidelity and France. The woman behind Capital One's new chatbot drew on her experience creating animated characters for Pixar. And Wells Fargo whistle-blowers speak out.

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Trump officials have made clear their intent to reexamine how Federal Housing Administration lenders are cited under the False Claims Act, but whether that means lenders can rest easier is an open question.

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Outsiders gained access to customer information at Southern National Bancorp of Virginia using a malicious email. Other financial institutions, meanwhile, are implementing policies in hopes of avoiding the same fate.

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The battle lines are drawn between those seeking to protect the mortgage interest deduction and a legislative effort to greatly reduce its use. Hopefully, this is a battle that taxpayers will win.

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The disagreement is tied to Walnut Street, an entity formed in 2014 to move certain commercial loans out of the bank. Separately, the company is facing a civil money penalty from the FDIC tied to issues with a third-party payment processor.

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A bill that would ease Basel III capital requirements on commercial real estate loans could level the playing field between depository and nonbank lenders and spur more construction lending if it passes in the Senate.

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Consumers who have borrowed from online lenders owe more and have lower credit scores than similarly situated consumers who have not used online lenders, according to a study released Thursday by the Cleveland Fed.

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Company’s first earnings report since the data breach also discloses lots of suits and investigations; Senate bill also calls for one-year delay in corporate tax rate cut to 20%.

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Readers chime in on the idea of a state-backed bank to serve the cannabis industry, data-sharing between banks and fintechs, whether community banks can just focus on tech laggards, and more.

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If CFPB Director Richard Cordray does not leave soon - as has been widely expected - it may be that he has used rumors of his possible political aspirations to successfully keep Trump from firing him.

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As use of smartphone apps begins to surpass online channels at some institutions, banks are facing pressure to offer clients more robust services.

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Most of Sterling Bancorp's operations are in San Francisco and Los Angeles. The company plans to use some of the $93 million it will raise to expand in New York and Seattle.

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The Senate tax proposal released Thursday would cap the mortgage interest deduction for properties worth $1 million, a reversal from the House plan that would have limited the deduction to $500,000.

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Despite digital mortgage advances, borrowers think it still takes too long to get a loan, J.D. Power finds in its annual customer satisfaction ranking of originators.

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Four Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee pledged to vote against the confirmation of Joseph Otting as comptroller of the currency.

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Pat Hickman, CEO of Happy State Bank, wants his institution to remain viable in the face of stifling regulation. As for selling? That'll happen over his dead body, he says.

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Ronald O’Hanley withdrew from law school at Vanderbilt University in 1983 after admitting to plagiarism while editor-in-chief of the school’s law review, according to a news report.

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The authority of the Financial Stability Oversight Council to label a firm a “systemically important financial institution” triggers duplicative regulation even if banklike rules are not appropriate to the company.

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Here's a look at the 12 housing markets with the largest percentages of mortgages over $500,000 — the new threshold House Republicans have proposed for the mortgage interest deduction in their tax plan.

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