ABI Blog Exchange

Behind as usual this year, I’ll try to get back on track with bi-weekly Bankruptcy Quizzes. This week’s short quiz is all about cash collateral. Click the photo below and enjoy!

Read More from: Plan Proponent

Let’s schedule a meeting now. We know the Trustee will object.
By: Mary Shahverdian  On April 23, 2024, The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC) issued a final rule banning non-compete agreements for workers. The final rule defines a “non-compete” clause or agreement as …

Read More from: Bernstein-Burkley, P.C.

Even when the contentions against a debtor-spouse sound in fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, or intentional tort, the claims of the debtor’s spouse survive a Chapter 7 discharge.

Read More from: Bankruptcy Mastery

In New Jersey, after a mortgage lender has obtained a final foreclosure judgment, they can schedule a Sheriff’s Sale of the property.

Read More from: Levitt & Slafkes LLC

Tax code changes effective in 2018 inflicted a crippling blow to consumers who must sue to enforce their rights.  And few have yet noticed. The tax deduction for miscellaneous itemized deductions under IRC Section 212 is gone.

Read More from: Bankruptcy Mastery

Are Certificates Of Deposit Exempt In Arizona Bankruptcy?

Read More from: My AZ Lawyers

Below is a summary of Ponzi scheme activity reported for April 2024. There were at least 13 new Ponzi schemes revealed this month.

Read More from: The Ponzi Blog

“You mean to tell me you don’t have any underwear!”   When I was much younger, I practiced bankruptcy law in Baltimore City. Judge Kiser, the bankruptcy judge, made people inventory their underwear.  
Law Review: Kilborn, Jason J., The 'Market Model' of Debt Counseling and Bankruptcy in the United States (March 1, 2024)

Read More from: NC Bankruptcy Expert

Research Paper: Lee, Brian Jonghwan, Bankruptcy Lawyers and Credit Recovery (April, 2024). FRB of Philadelphia Working Paper No. 24-10,

Read More from: NC Bankruptcy Expert
