ABI Blog Exchange

How about some student loan horror stories?

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The agency has freed companies from reporting requirements and provided flexibility on exams to help them deal with COVID-19 fallout. It has also finished other regulatory relief efforts that were in the pipeline before the pandemic hit.

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Nicolet Bankshares said its lagging stock price would complicate efforts to complete its planned purchase of Commerce Financial.

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With rates so low — after steep emergency Federal Reserve cuts in response to the pandemic’s fallout — banks will struggle to generate bread-and-butter interest income and asset-sensitive lenders will face substantial net interest margin contracti

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The order's removal allows the Delaware company to pursue more opportunities in its payments business.

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The two mortgage giants said they would begin the process of hiring outside firms to help raise capital that will be needed to exit conservatorship.

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Saul Van Beurden's team is tasked with keeping systems running during the pandemic, including driving equipment to homebound workers.

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Kent Hiteshew, who was recently hired by the Fed to help with the municipal market, said the Municipal Liquidity Facility opened Monday.

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American Express Chief Executive Steve Squeri said a majority of the company’s employees will work remotely through 2020 as it seeks to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

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Bracing for a prolonged economic slowdown, many community bankers say they are considering a number of belt-tightening measures, including freezing salaries and delaying investments in technology and product development, according to a survey by P

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A small Texas company that profits from loan applications is using a web address so similar to the Trump administration's portal for small businesses that even Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin pitched the wrong one when outlining a pandemic-aid p

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Wall Street's Democratic insiders, who have been cutting checks and winning access for decades, say they have plenty of sway in the former vice president's orbit, despite his very public wooing of the progressive left.

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Operation HOPE Chief Executive John Hope Bryant talks about how the Community Reinvestment Act influenced him at the age of 9 and eventually led to the founding of his nonprofit, which works with banks to help communities in need.

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The program would give small businesses greater flexibility on how they use loan proceeds; Warren Buffett’s company dumped 10 million of its nearly 12 million shares in the bank.

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