ABI Blog Exchange

The department of financial services will grant credit under the state's community reinvestment law to New York-chartered banks and credit unions that finance projects aimed at helping low-income communities better adapt to a warming world.

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On February 8, 2021, Anglin Cultured Stone Products LLC, a Delaware-based construction company, filed a petition for relief under Chapter
On February 8, 2021, Anglin Cultured Stone Products LLC, a Delaware-based construction company, filed a petition for relief under Chapter
The auto company said it bought $1.5 billion of the digital currency and plans to accept it for purchases; but the two top contenders share similar views on racial inequality in banking.

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Home loans accounted for the bulk of the industry’s lending gains in 2020, but inventory shortages in some markets and an uneven economic recovery may dim prospects this year.

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Before I get to the main topic, some words on private student loans.

Read More from: Discharge Student Loan

While loan performance is improving in aggregate, some borrowers remained unaware of the relief available or were unable to access it, according to the Research Institute for Housing America.

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The biggest U.S. banks reduced the portion of their collective balance sheets they’re dedicating to loans to a new low, extending a trend that’s seen the largest lenders put less and less of their firepower behind everyday borrowers.

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The Biden administration’s yet-to-be-named comptroller of the currency is widely expected to invalidate the GOP-backed measure that bars banks from shunning gun makers, fossil-fuel producers and the like.

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Aside from the cash infusions, the San Francisco-based bank will assign dedicated teams to provide the lenders with financial, technology and product expertise.

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Discussing impact across Mobility, Cable, Smart Cities and IoT  

Read More from: Bob Gold & Associates

The regional bank is switching VirtualBank, a digital-only unit added through a recent merger, to a core system that relies on Finxact software and Amazon Web Services.

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When BAPCA gutted the ipso facto clause, reaffirmation was left as the only way a debtor could be assured of retaining his wheels.

Read More from: Bankruptcy Mastery

The working group's final report is still forthcoming, but the trade association has already begun assembling a new team focused on the industry's digitization efforts in the wake of the pandemic.

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A race for talent is heating up as Wells Fargo winds down the roughly $40 billion international segment of its wealth management business, with several firms competing to scoop up advisers and their lucrative client lists.

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Anger is building in the senior ranks at Bank of America after the company waived an unpopular new bonus policy for top traders and dealmakers while keeping the plan in place for other employees.

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Free financial education programs and easier access to safe small-dollar loans are among the ways banks could help put low-income minority households on a path to prosperity.

Read More from: BankThink