ABI Blog Exchange

The banking group issued lawmakers a guide on questions to ask as credit union executives visit Capitol Hill for two days.

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At a credit union conference, Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Mo., said Congress has "got to be pushing back" against the Current Expected Credit Losses standard, while Rep.

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One platform under development will let financial technology startups use a single portal to obtain licenses from multiple states, and another will let states collaborate on examinations.

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Fintechs like LendingClub and Varo Money illustrate how the traditional financial system is changing. Banks that don’t rapidly evolve with technology will be obsolete.

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The debate centers on whether guidance on credit union-bank mergers is necessary.

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With its expenses soaring, the Toronto company has taken a $250 million restructuring charge to cover severance from staff reductions.

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On February 26, 2020, Suitable Technologies, Inc., filed a petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code in the Bankruptcy
On February 26, 2020, Suitable Technologies, Inc., filed a petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code in the Bankruptcy
JPMorgan would consider buying other businesses; collectors would be allowed to pursue debt past the statute of limitations, if they warn borrowers.

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Though the agency plans to give more credit unions authority to issue subordinated debt, limited investor appetite and other factors could hamper activity.

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Aaron Klein, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, argues that the setup works well for those with money, but is very expensive for those on the lower end of the spectrum.

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Executives outlined changes in energy lending policies, said that the largest U.S. bank has only scratched the surface in middle-market credits and discussed their preparations in case of an economic slowdown.

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A spike in loan-loss provisions dragged down first-quarter profits at the Toronto company’s U.S. unit.

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If you read or hear about a case alleging a violation of civil rights or civil liberties anywhere in the State of Alabama, chances are good that 

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Deputy Director Brian Johnson spent more than two years serving under two separate CFPB directors. He will become a partner at Alston & Bird LLP next month.

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"We need to move forward to work out what a potential CBDC might look like and how it could be managed, if the decision were ever taken to issue one," Deputy Gov.

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In every segment except people older than 64, a majority would consider banking with Apple, Google, Amazon or Facebook, a new survey finds.

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Banco Santander’s global digital transformation has led it to Mexico, where the bank has agreed to acquire U.S. Bancorp’s Elavon Mexico merchant acquiring unit for about $84 million.

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The agency's director said both steps will come as part of an ongoing review of agency rules and show "my commitment under the law to be effective and evidence based” in providing clarity to stakeholders.

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