ABI Blog Exchange

Leonard Chanin, a senior official at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., has been tapped to serve on a part-time basis as the No. 2 official at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, according to a news report.

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Attempts to rewrite the method for determining unintended discrimination in housing should not bleed into fair-lending laws.

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Outstanding debt is higher than ever. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York reports that household debt in the United States has now reached its highest-ever total: more than $14 trillion.

Read More from: Shenwick & Associates

On March 4 , 2020, Lucky’s Farmers Market of Lexington, KY, LLC, filed a petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code in t
On March 4 , 2020, Lucky’s Farmers Market of Lexington, KY, LLC, filed a petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code in t
Facebook and its partners are considering redesigning the Libra cryptocurrency project so that the network accepts multiple coins, including those issued by central banks, in an effort to woo reluctant global regulators and rebuild momentum for th

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Recognizing the sizable opportunity in batteries, some project finance banks have recently begun supporting battery developments, and others expect to follow soon.

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Fed makes emergency cut, JPMorgan tests contingency plan; the justices appeared divided on whether to give the president power to fire the agency’s director.

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The outcome at Beneficial State may be hard for organizers to replicate at other banks, but it serves as a reminder that labor groups see an opportunity in an industry where many low-paid workers chafe against sales pressure.

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Richard Herrington's buyout pitch to smaller banks is to offer them a way to survive and keep their local brands.

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The Fed’s decision to cut its benchmark interest rate amid growing coronavirus concerns is bound to have an impact on banks, but just how broad and how deep remains to be seen.

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In announcing the central bank’s emergency rate cut, Chairman Jerome Powell warned that the Fed can only do so much.

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JPMorgan Chase is asking thousands of U.S. employees to work from home as it tests a contingency plan for closing domestic offices should the coronavirus spread, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

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  A district court in Pennsylvania ruled on a motion to dismiss a FDPCA claim against LVNV and Resurgent Capital by plaintiffs who allege that in 4 separate chapter 13 bankruptcy cases LVNV Funding, LLC and Resurgent Capital Services, LP (hereinaf

Read More from: Tampa Bankruptcy

If you are like many Americans, you may have been reading news reports of the country’s improving economy and falling unemployment rates and wondering why you are still struggling financially.

Read More from: Bonds & Botes, P.C.

MVB in West Virginia will gain a 47% stake in the partnership in exchange for contributing its mortgage unit's assets to the new company.

Read More from: BankThink