ABI Blog Exchange

By Salene Mazur Kraemer, Esq.Bernstein-Burkley On Thursday, April 30, 2020, the IRS released Notice 2020-32 [referencing Internal Revenue Code section 265(a)(1)] establishing whether expenses are tax-deductible if paid with proceeds from the Paych

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Organizers of Rockpoint Bank still need to raise $30 million before opening.

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Lawyer to Help You Discharge Medical Bills in Bankruptcy
The country may be shut down for business right now, but it’s business as usual for many credit card lenders.
April 29, 2020From: JD SupraBy: Kathleen Muthig; Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A. As the COVID-19 pandemic marches on, more homeowners than ever are seeking assistance from their lenders.

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The Home Loan bank will make zero-interest loans, match charitable donations that members make to nonprofits and small businesses, and provide additional funding for economic development grants.

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When Does a Small Business File for Bankruptcy? And 8 More Questions The coronavirus is expected to permanently shut millions of small businesses in the next several months. Here are issues for owners to consider.

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Regulators need to revamp their proposal to overhaul the Community Reinvestment Act now that the coronavirus outbreak has created unforeseen financial needs.

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More companies will be eligible to apply for the four-year loans, including those with high debt loads; four-year loans will be offered to European banks with rates as low as minus 1% as the eurozone economy tanks.

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Posted by Kathy Bazoian Phelps

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The Justice Department has begun a preliminary inquiry into how taxpayer money was lent out under the Paycheck Protection Program and has already found possible fraud among businesses seeking relief, a top official said.

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Funneling fees from emergency loans to feed the hungry. Supporting psychological counseling for health care heroes and financial advice for the poor.

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Visa pulled its financial outlook for the rest of the year, but it already has visibility into permanent changes that result from the coronavirus — such as an aversion to handling cash.

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Wells Fargo will temporarily stop accepting applications for home equity lines of credit, following a similar move by rival JPMorgan Chase.

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In round two of the Paycheck Protection Program, the bank has sent some 256,000 loan applications to the Small Business Administration for processing.

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Consumer groups are poised to take the bureau to court over its gutting of underwriting requirements, while House Democratic leaders could attempt a repeal through the Congressional Review Act.

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The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller home price index hasn't yet reflected the impact of the coronavirus, but an independent market maker has some thoughts on how it might.

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The millions of dollars earned from Paycheck Protection Program transactions will help cover rising provision costs tied to the new CECL accounting standard and coronavirus shocks to loan books.

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The online lender reported a hefty first-quarter loss on Thursday and said that a whopping 45% of its small-business loans are past due.

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