ABI Blog Exchange

Professor Bill Whitford of the University of Wisconsin will be an intellectual hero to many of the Credit Slips readers and contributors.

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Financing a Growing Business with Help from the Feds:  SBA 7a is now available on demand!
Over the last couple years, The Pew Charitable Trusts has put together a useful series of reports regarding payday lending in the Uni

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How long will we be seeing signs like this in our communities?  I refer specifically to the little sign in the store “Military Welcome,” which

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Edit: Oops... my automatic docket feed and determination to post before my morning class got the best of me. This is a proposed order, not signed as yet by the judge.

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Check out the latest news from Financial Poise. Don’t miss out on our upcoming live webinars!
In “There Ought to Be a Law, and There Is:  When the Insolvent LLC’s Manager Distributes Cash But Does Not Pay Creditors” Commercial Bankruptcy Alternatives(October 1, 2014), the Editorial Staff of Commercial Bankruptcy Alternatives describe
In Episode 4 of Accredited Investor Markets Radio, our host, Chris Cahill, explores investing in natural resources with Jason Stevens. Jason is an Investment Executive with Sprott Global, a U.S.
It's time for the Federal Housing Finance Agency to make good on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's funding obligations to two affordable housing programs.

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If you were to ask people on the street to name the first Jewish holiday that comes to mind, chances are a significant percentage would name Yom Kippur.
Case Set-Up This is the bankruptcy case study for Darius from Chicago, Illinois who was in my office to determine whether or not chapter 7 or chapter 13 will help him.
A federal judge has dismissed an FDIC lawsuit against directors and officers of a failed North Carolina bank. The ruling has big implications for future cases that seek to hold senior bank management accountable for financial crisis-era failures.

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The revelation that 76 million JPMorgan Chase consumer accounts were compromised by hacking should be scaring the heck out of us.

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The Fifth Circuit had several bankruptcy-related decisions during September.   This month, it dealt with jury trials, mootness, subject matter jurisdiction,  "quasi-estoppel" and the difference between civil and criminal contempt.   Click on the styl
Former Credit Slips blogger Elizabeth Warren who also happens to be the senior senator from Massachusetts was a category on Jeopardy! last night.

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