ABI Blog Exchange

The court's decision not to consider an appeal from the American Bankers Association is likely to be the last step in a legal saga dating back to 2016.

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A spike in demand has led to a bigger emphasis on innovative solutions for the digital payments market.

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In a split 5-4 decision, the justices gave presidents new power to remove the agency's head at will. The ruling could have far-reaching implications for other regulators with single directors.

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The agency wants more timely information on the banks it supervises; investors filed a criminal complaint against Ernst & Young, calling their work “a disaster” for failing to expose the scandal.

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Two years after a consumer protection law changed how banks and other companies handle customer information, a new proposal aims for more sweeping reforms.

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In an effort to ease loss mitigation efforts for servicers and assist struggling consumers, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) issued two No-Action Letter (“NAL”) Templates on May 22, 2020.[1] NALs are issued by the CFPB in response

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While they are not dramatically opposed, Jelena McWilliams and Brian Brooks have articulated their own ideas on postal banking and the use of artificial intelligence in lending.

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Some observers said the central bank should have suspended dividends entirely in response to an unprecedented economic emergency caused by the pandemic.

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Wells Fargo customers targeted with phishing attacks using calendar invites; Fed freezes stock buybacks, caps dividends after stress test results; Citigroup names Titi Cole its head of global operations and fraud prevention.

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Citizens Bank and Citigroup are among the financial institutions plugging away at a service that has gained little traction among customers.

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JPMorgan Chase is cracking down on racism by its customers. The bank is revamping a policy for dealing with abusive clients to include racism toward call-center employees as behavior that could warrant cutting ties with the customers.

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The Loan Source, the nonbank lender buying the Paycheck Protection Program loans, has similar deals in place with other lenders.

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Ezequiel Szafir, CEO of Banco Santander's digital-only Openbank, sees banks of the future looking increasingly like Amazon.com — with online storefronts for financial products.

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Now perhaps more than ever, banks and their proxies need to show tact when communicating with past-due borrowers.

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HSBC is planning to shift services away from its branches in a push to make more of its customers migrate to its digital and mobile channels as it embarks on a massive cost and jobs cutting program.

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The Fed stopped short of banning payouts entirely following bank stress tests; banks get greater freedom to invest in venture capital funds and reduced collateral on swap trades.

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