The Identification of Intangible Assets for Bankruptcy Purposes
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Rule: valuation, 2008, none, none
Procedural Checklist for the Review of Solvency Opinions
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Rule: valuation, 2008, none, none
The Ad Valorem Tax Valuation and the Troubled-Company Taxpayer Part I
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Rule: valuation, 2008, none, none
New AICPA Professional Guidance on Valuation Standards Sets Best Practices
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Rule: valuation, 2008, none, none
Analysis of Company-Specific Risk in Bankruptcy Business Valuations
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Rule: valuation, 2008, none, none
Liquidity and Control Valuation DiscountsPremiums and the Bankrupt Firm
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Rule: 2007
Judicial Vagaries and Their Potential Impact on the Valuation of Distressed Debt Reasonable Minds Can Differ as to What It All Means
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Rule: 2007
Measuring Economic Obsolescence in the Valuation of Special-Purpose Properties
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Rule: 2007