July 11, 2023
Disputing the Fourth Circuit line by line and raising the possibility of a circuit split, the BAP and six bankruptcy courts have held that there’s no such thing as nondischargeability for corporate Sub V debtors.
June 29, 2023
Courts are split on whether the debt providing eligibility for Sub V must have arisen from a business that was active on the filing date.
June 1, 2023
Eighth Circuit BAP ‘at a minimum’ requires substantial changes in financial condition for a debtor to modify a confirmed chapter 12 plan.
May 23, 2023
The $7.5 million debt cap for Subchapter V doesn’t include the debt of affiliates who file later.
May 11, 2023
The business debt necessary to qualify for Subchapter V need not to have arisen from the debtor’s business at the time of filing, Bankruptcy Judge Meier says.
9th Circuit , Idaho ,
April 20, 2023
Contrary to the Fourth Circuit, five bankruptcy courts have now held there’s no such thing as nondischargeability for corporate Sub V debtors. The question is now before the Fifth Circuit.
April 7, 2023
In the Alex Jones corporate Subchapter V case, Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez said that the later chapter 11 filing by Jones himself, with about $1.5 billion in debt, didn’t kick the corporate debtor out of Subchapter V and into ‘ordinary’ chapter 11.
March 13, 2023
A small business debtor must consent for a case to be converted to Subchapter V, Judge Robert Jones says.
February 17, 2023
A district judge in Florida upheld a Subchapter V plan that required automatic increases in payments to unsecured creditors based on actual disposable income.
December 20, 2022
Although deposed as debtor in possession, the Subchapter V debtor retains the sole power to file a chapter 11 plan.
3rd Circuit , Delaware ,