Rochelle's Daily Wire

ABI Exclusive

October 12, 2017

Tennessee judge changes a practice established in 1995 regarding unclaimed distributions.
Tennessee judge changes a practice established in 1995 regarding unclaimed distributions.

July 17, 2017

Debtors have standing for a motion compelling a trustee to abandon.
Debtors have standing for a motion compelling a trustee to abandon.

July 6, 2017

Unperfected mortgage can be perfected after discharge, BAP implies.
Unperfected mortgage can be perfected after discharge, BAP implies.

June 22, 2017

Dissent proclaims a split of circuits and says the debtor and DIP are distinct entities.
Dissent proclaims a split of circuits and says the debtor and DIP are distinct entities.
Courts divided on rationale, Sixth Circuit BAP adopts First Circuit’s approach.
Courts divided on rationale, Sixth Circuit BAP adopts First Circuit’s approach.