December 1, 2016
First Circuit declines to take sides in circuit split over jurisdiction in Medicare disputes.
First Circuit declines to take sides in circuit split over jurisdiction in Medicare disputes.
November 25, 2016
Boston BAP sides with Seventh Circuit, holding that trademark licenses survive rejection.
Boston BAP sides with Seventh Circuit, holding that trademark licenses survive rejection.
November 18, 2016
Judge in Puerto Rico is forcing holders of defaulted bonds to negotiate, not litigate.
Judge in Puerto Rico is forcing holders of defaulted bonds to negotiate, not litigate.
November 9, 2016
Temporary diversion of collateral doesn’t require ‘adequate protection,’ Puerto Rico Judge says.
Temporary diversion of collateral doesn’t require ‘adequate protection,’ Puerto Rico Judge says.
October 27, 2016
Scheduling the amount of an asset isn’t enough. The name must be shown, too.
Scheduling the amount of an asset isn’t enough. The name must be shown, too.