Lender-on-Lender Violence – A Viable Solution or Delaying the Inevitable?

Session Description: 
The prevalence of liability management exercises (LMEs) continues to grow as companies seek creative solutions to manage unsustainable capital structures. Majority creditor groups have a long list of options to choose from in order to put themselves in front of minority creditors – priming, uptiering, covenant stripping, drop-down transactions and more. But the track record for so-called lender-on-lender violence has been patchy at best, often serving as a precursor to bankruptcy, rather than a way to avert it. Potential discussion points: 1) What are some key takeaways from recent litigation, and what could have been done differently? 2) How can minority/nonparticipating lenders best protect themselves via creditor cooperation agreements? 3) What are the implications of these transactions on valuations? 4) How have these transactions evolved, and what does the future of lender-on-lender violence hold?
Learning Outcomes: 
Attendees will gain an understanding of the current and future state of liability management exercises, including insights on litigation trends and updates on several recent key appeals. Attendees will also learn about strategic approaches for creditors to effectively navigate these challenges and how lawyers can stay on top of these issues for their clients. The session will provide projections for the distressed debt landscape in the upcoming year, equipping participants with knowledge to forecast opportunities that may arise.
Target Audience: 
Suggested Speakers: 
First Name: 
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Hawthorn Advisors