Senate Committee Urges More Cleanup of Credit Counseling
Senate Committee Urges More Cleanup of Credit Counseling
The subcommittee's new report makes further recommendations to protect indebted and vulnerable consumers: (1) the IRS and FTC should complete their cleanup of those in the industry who have been violating nonprofit rules or using deceptive trade practices; (2) the IRS should require each credit counseling agency to submit to a recertification of the agency's nonprofit status every five years; (3) each counseling agency should provide affirmative financial education as a way to reduce default and bankruptcy rates; (4) major lenders should financially support the credit counseling agencies and screen agencies to ensure they provide appropriate services at a reasonable fee; (5) federal standards should be clarified, in coordination by the IRS and FTC, so that each agency maintains standards for accreditation, an independent board of directors, and discloses any relationship between the agency and creditors; (6) insist on reasonable fees based on actual agency costs; (7) forbid commissions based on the number of consumers enrolled in debt management plans.