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Crisis as Opportunity: Distressed M&A Transactions in Germany: What to Look Out for as a Seller and Buyer
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: none
Coming Back Around: Legislative Issues Likely to Resurface in the 118th Congress
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: none
Harmonizing § 503(b)(1) and (b)(9) to Provide Comfort and Clarity
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 503, 546
Why Courts Need to Consider the Impact of Student Loan Debt on Mental Health
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 523(a)(8)
Sometimes a Post-Petition Attorneys’ Fee Award Is Just a Valueless Post-Petition Claim
Journal Issue:
Bankruptcy Code: 101, the Debtor and the Estate›Subchapter I - Creditors and Claims›502, 501, 502, 503